XZ-300 消藻器

XZ-300 消藻器主要是用于消除大水域,水库中的藻类。这是我们消藻产品中最强劲的一个。它最远能发射至500米之远。从换能器的表面发射角度能达到240度。只用单个设备可以达到20公顷的水域治疗范围。这套设备可以用24V的直流电源连接到太阳能系统,适用于野外操作;还可以直接连接到室内电源插座240V或110V的交流电源(根据不同国家地区的电源要求)。

This unit provides the control of algae in large lakes and reservoirs. The most powerful unit available today has a maximum range of 500 m at an angle of 240° from the face of the transducer, giving a treatment area of up to 20 hectares from just one unit.

The unit can be connected direct to a 24V DC supply usually connected to a solar panel system. or powered by connection to an electrical supply of 240 or 110 v via a transformer (extra cost).